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  • How to Increase Egg Production in Commercial Layers

    Depending on different chicken breed, pre-laying pullet would have to be about 4-5 months old from the day it hatches before it starts laying eggs. ……
  • How to make more profit from Your Poultry Farming?

    How to Make More profit from Your Poultry Farming? We are now summarizing various reasons why you did not make profit from your chicken farming.……
  • How to Deworm Chicken at your Chicken Farm?

    With more people raising chickens in their Farm, many are concerned about whether they can get diseases or parasites from their birds.The bad news is ……
  • Coccidiosis & Infectious Choryza in Chicken Farming

    There are many forms of coccidiosis, just as Infectious choryza cases are very many in different farms as well, no matter the location. ……
  • What is the Laying Cycle for A Chicken?

    Hens lay eggs according to age and the length of daylight hours. Much also depends on whether the hen goes broody, or sits on eggs with the intention ……