ZhengZhou Santow Agro Equipment Co., Ltd

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  • Broiler vs Layer—Which is more profitable?

    Many clients are confused on starting chicken farm for broiler or layer in their poultry farming. Well, layers or broiler feeding gets its economic im……
  • What to do after the debeaking of your chicken?

    We all know beaking trimming is most painful moment for chicken in their life. What can we do to help your chicken to pass this hard time? We can we ……
  • Debeaking: How To Debeak Chickens?

    Debeaking, also known as beak trimming, is the partial removal of the beak of poultry, especially layer hens and turkeys, but sometimes it may also be……
  • Feasible Ways to last in Poultry Farming in Africa

    Unless you know and apply some basic principles, you cannot last in any business including poultry farming. There is no point in going into any bu……
  • Does 'cage-free' mean a better life for chickens?

    It's not a clear choice which of the possible living conditions for egg-laying hens -- enriched cages, cage-free systems, free-range setups -- serve t……